Business Licenses

All businesses that operate in Sauk Village are required to obtain a Business License prior to opening. This ensures that businesses comply with zoning, building, and fire code requirements.
The Business License Application can be printed and returned to the Village Hall.
There are additional license applications and fees for certain other types of other business licenses. These applications are available at the Village Hall. Some examples of these are Massage Establishment, Coin Operated Amusement Device, and Vending Machine.
Please contact the Community Development Department at 847-428-7010 with any questions about this process.
In connection with the initial Business License application (not renewals), a new business owner would need to verify that the Village zoning code allows a specific types of business in a specific district — I.e., a type of business that mirrors the business sector that you are in.
For example, if you intend to open a cafe or delicatessen, the zoning code allows a “restaurant” type of business in the C-1, C-2 and C-3 zoning districts. Similarly, if you intend to open a self-storage facility, the zoning code allows a “mini-warehouse” in the M-1 zoning district.
Please refer to the zoning map to determine what commercial/industrial district your business would be located in and what the zoning category is.
Please refer to the zoning code for specific types of businesses allowed in each zoning district.