Public Works

The Sauk Village Public Works Department is responsible for the proper maintenance, care, and operation of all public facilities, as well as all Village owned parks and open green spaces. The Department is also responsible for the proper maintenance and care of vehicles and equipment located in the Public Works facilities located at 2836 Nichols Drive and 2222 Sauk Trail and assists with general maintenance of vehicles from Village code, police and ESDA.
The Public Works Department also maintains and is responsible for the following ongoing activities:
- Snow and ice removal.
- Street maintenance and sweeping;
- Curb and sidewalk repair;
- Pavement marking;
- Street lighting, street sign placement and maintenance;
- Parkway restoration and debris pick up, tree trimming and chipping;
- Storm Sewer repair and maintenance of all infrastructure;
- Sanitary Sewer repair and maintenance of all infrastructure;
- Set up for all Village sponsored events; and
- Distribution of water to all residents and businesses, including maintaining all Village-owned infrastructure from pumping stations, water mains, valves, fire hydrants, and water meters including monitoring and testing the quality of water provided to ensure standards set forth by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency as outlined under Title 35: Subtitle F: Chapter 2: Parts 651 654 of the Technical Policy Statements.
Please click on the following links for further information regarding Village Public Works Department services:
Dante James, Director of Public Works